Who are we ?

InCompliance Partners

INCOMPLIANCE PARTNERS is an integral part of the service group INCOMPLIANCE GROUP

INCOMPLIANCE GROUP is a French company with a strong international development that revolves around 4 poles of development :

Transport and logistics with AIR COMPLIANCE, FLYMESSENGER

Recruitment and training in the field of logistics and transport with HR COMPLIANCE

Tourism and events with INCOMFRANCE

Business counselling with INCOMPLIANCE PARTNERS

The main activity of INCOMPLIANCE GROUP was freight and passengers air charter, of which it became one the leaders in France. Our group presents many references as an aircraft charterer among public and private organizations.

Bolstered by this development, and as a fully-fledged link of the supply chain, INCOMPLIANCE GROUP managed to take advantage the skills of its team members, their enthusiasm and their varied profiles to create and offer a range of unique services to French and international companies. Thus, it guides them and brings them practical solutions to their issues regarding international trade.

The DNA of the INCOMPLIANCE GROUP company is:



From its headquarters in Roissy, the company benefits from an open window on the constant evolution of the needs of companies in import, export and logistics.



With a hand-picked professional team, our company is a multi-faceted interlocutor capable of responding exclusively to each of your requests.



The company offers a service in which security, confidentiality and availability are the key words.

Our expertise

Looking for a partner ?

Do you want to facilitate exchanges ?

Are you looking for solutions and advice ?

InCompliance Partners is specialized in import export between Europe and China. We bring our knowledge of foreign markets with a special focus on the Chinese market.

Nous sécurisons vos transactions et nous vous trouvons les fournisseurs / clients les plus fiables.

The team

Pivoine HOUY

Directeur Général et Conseiller au commerce extérieur


Responsable du bureau chinois

Annabelle PETIT-JEAN

Responsable Département

Responsable Commerciale


Responsable HR

Marie-Noëlle POULAIN

Chef de projet


Chef de projet

Responsable logistique

Responsable juridique et conformité