Our jobs

Export counselling

Exporting is an incredible growth driver for a French company with a high potential service or product.

However, the impediments are important for a project this complicated and ambitious.

An operational and technical support is the key to your project’s success.

INCOMPLIANCE PARTNERS can assist you from the preliminary study of your product and service’s export potential to the search of trade partners in the targeted markets.

INCOMPLIANCE PARTNERS will assist your company with :

Market research in the targeted countries

Regulatory study of regulatory, operational and logistical constraints

Study of the logistics specifications

Partners or distribution circuits research

Commercial prospecting

Exporting represents a great opportunity to find new outlets and develop your business.
But starting to export implies having answered a certain number of questions: can my model be exported?
With what economic, financial, human, and legal means?
How to find customers, which partners to choose, with what contracts?
How to make my activity live abroad?

Pivoine HOUY
Directeur Général et Conseiller au commerce extérieur


Export Trading

Thanks to our implantation in China and South-East Asia, and to the support of our correspondent network around the world, INCOMPLIANCE PARTNERS is directly solicited by foreign companies looking for a way to source and buy products and services in France.

Once the foreign corporate customer’s need defined, Incompliance Partners takes care of the sourcing of the requested product, purchases it from the selected supplier and thus becomes a substitute for the client.

Our initiative as a French buyer presents a large number of advantages for your company :

If your export volumes increase or if our partnership makes you want to develop your company in this new country, INCOMPLIANCE PARTERS will assist you with EXPORT COUNSELLING in a practical and active way.

Some countries (such as China) are fast-growing markets, which arouse a lot of envy and make many manufacturers dream.

Regardless of its size, any company is capable of meeting the challenge of exporting !

Import Trading

Incompliance Partners

Thanks to our implantation in China and South-East Asia, and to the support of our correspondent network around the world, INCOMPLIANCE PARTNERS is directly solicited by foreign companies looking for a way to source and buy products and services in France.

If their product offering meets your expectations, we will be able to become a substitute for this supplier and buy directly from them what you need as raw materials, semi-finished products, ingredients or simply finished products.

The initiative we are taking as a French company presents a large number of advantages for your company :

If your volumes increase or if our initiative gives birth to a will to search for new products or suppliers, or generates a desire for diversification in your supply sources, INCOMPLIANCE PARTNERS will show itself capable of assisting you with an IMPORT SOURCING service in a practical and active way.

Import Sourcing

If finding a good product or raw material supplier in France or in Europe is already something difficult to achieve, sourcing, testing and ordering from a foreign supplier is a real obstacle course.

China and South-East Asia in general, as “workshop of the world”, are the major supply sources of semi-finished products, raw materials and, finally, finished products.

After the precise specifications of your needs and demands jointly established, INCOMPLIANCE PARTNERS, thanks to its implantation in China and Asia, will help you to source and establish a supply chain to the benefit of your company in France.

INCOMPLIANCE PARTNERS will assist you with :

Logistics Counselling

Is your company exporting or about to export towards new foreign markets ?

Most companies see the transport of goods sold in the export market as a true brain-teaser or a heavy administrative or operational constraint without added value.

As a forwarding agent, INCOMPLIANCE PARTNERS offers you advice on the creation of a bill of specifications and the choosing of the best transport partner whom will know how to transport your goods properly to offer complete satisfaction to your client abroad. The price is a fundamental data for the global competitiveness of your products and a perfect service is the guarantee of the establishment of a long-term relationship with your client in your trading process.

INCOMPLIANCE PARTNERS can assist you with :

We hope we can prove you that a perfectly controlled import/export logistics can become a comparative advantage for the development of your international activities.